“1 Page Marketing Plan” Review by Mitul Golakiya

Whether you’re a seasoned marketer or just starting out, this book offers real, actionable advice that can elevate your business in today’s competitive landscape.

💡 Here are the 5 Key Takeaways:

𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙋𝙤𝙬𝙚𝙧 𝙤𝙛 𝙖 𝙎𝙞𝙢𝙥𝙡𝙚 𝙋𝙡𝙖𝙣: Complex marketing strategies often overwhelm. Allan advocates for a lean, efficient approach that fits on a single page but drives substantial results.

𝙐𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙔𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙏𝙖𝙧𝙜𝙚𝙩 𝘼𝙪𝙙𝙞𝙚𝙣𝙘𝙚: Knowing your customers’ pain points and tailoring your messaging to meet their needs is key. Allan emphasizes deep customer insights to connect more effectively.

𝘽𝙪𝙞𝙡𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙖 𝙈𝙖𝙧𝙠𝙚𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙁𝙪𝙣𝙣𝙚𝙡: Creating a structured process that moves potential customers from being unaware of your product to becoming loyal buyers is essential for sustained success.

📚 If you’re part of a small business, an entrepreneur, or someone interested in practical marketing insights, check out the other 2 key takeaways at the book review meet-up, as this book is a must-read.

also find my chapter wise summary ,

1 Page Marketing Plan Introduction

  • ●  Money isn’t everything, but it ranks right up there with oxygen. – Zig Ziglar
  • ●  There is almost no business problem that can’t be solved with more money.
  • ●  If you are broke, you can not help others
  • ●  Example of Flight Oxygen MaskKnowing What to doMichael Gerber’s classic book, The E-Myth Revisited. Entrepreneurial seizure. Why would I work for this idiot boss of mine? I’m good at what I do, I will start my own business. This is one of the major mistakes made by most small business owners. They go from working for an idiot boss to becoming an idiot boss. The owner of the business may have excellent technical skills but it’s his lack of business skills that causes his business to fail.The 64/4 Rule
  • ●  Take 80/20 Rule and then 80% of 80 and 20% of 20 becomes 64/4 Rule
  • ●  4% of people had 64% wealthThe 64/4 Rule

● Struggling business owners will spend time to save money, whereas successful business owners will spend money to save time


  • ●  Before – Get your customer to know you and indicate interest
  • ●  During – Get your customer to like you and buy from you
  • ●  After – Get your customer to trust you and refer new business

Phase 1 – The Before Phase

Dealing with prospects. People who may not even know you exist. Identify your target market, craft compelling message and deliver your message through advertising media.
The goal of this phase is to get customers to know you and response to your message. Once they show the interest and become a lead and get them enter to the second phase.

Chapter 1 – Selecting your Target Market

  • ●  When you target everyone, you are targeting no one.
  • ●  Pick the Niche – A niche is a tightly defined portion of a subcategory.
  • ●  They of niches that you want to go after are “an inch wide and a mile deep”.
  • ●  Niching makes Price Irrelevant
  • ●  How to Identify your Ideal Customer
    • ○  PVP (Personal Fulfillments, Value to the marketplace, Profitability)
    • ○  It’s not about the “Turnover”, It’s all about the “Leftover”.
  • ●  Creating an Avatar – Create an image of your prospect and see the life as theirperspectiveChapter 2 – Crafting Your MessageMost of the marking messages are boring, timid and ineffective. To stand out from a crowd, you need compelling message that grabs their attention.
  • ●  When your message is not clear, that is “Marketing by an Accident”
  • ●  Developing a Unique Selling Proposition (USP)
    • ○  The entire goal of USP is to answer this question: Why should I buy from you rather than from your nearest competitor?
    • ○  The common place that people go wrong with developing their USP is they say “Quality” or “Good Service” is their USP? There are two things wrong with that:
      • Quality and great Service are expectations, they are part of good business practice – not something unique
      • People only find our about your quality and great service after they’ve bought. A good USP is designed to attract prospects before they’ve made a purchasing decision
  • ●  They is nothing new under the Sun
    • ○  Why should they buy?
    • ○  Why should they buy from me?
  • ●  If you confuse them, you lose them
  • ●  How could you be remarkable when you are selling commodity?
    • ○  You don’t need to be unique, so need to be different
    • ○  Being unique is a dangerous, difficult and expensive place to be
    • ○  Example of CD Baby order confirmation email – Page 57

○ Example of Apple iPod Launch Campaign – “1000 Songs in your Pocket”

  • ●  Create Elevator Speech
    • ○  Good Elevator Speech takes journey that covers,
      • The Problem
      • The Solution
      • The Proof
    • ○  You know [Problem]? Well, what we do is [Solution]. In fact, [The Proof]. -Page 61
  • ●  Crafting your offer

○ This is where most people loose the interested customers by offering wrong product

● Know what exactly your target market want
○ Purchasing is done with emotions and justified with logic after that

  • ●  Create an Irresistible offer
    • ○  Value
    • ○  Language
    • ○  Reason Why
    • ○  Value Stacking
    • ○  Upsells
    • ○  Payment Plan
    • ○  Guarantee
    • ○  Scarcity
  • ●  Target the Pain
    • ○  Example of Headache
    • ○  People are much more willing to pay for a care than for prevention
  • ●  Do not copy write your Sales Copy
  • ●  Element of Great Sales Copy
    • ○  Five major motivators of human behaviour ■ Fear■ Love ■ Greed ■ Guilt ■ Pride
    • ○  Your Sales copy should contain/trigger at least one of them
  • ●  The enemy in common – Start your sales copy headline with enemy in common andget on a conversation of your prospects mind
  • ●  How to name your Product, Service or Business

○ Always choose clarity over cleverness

Chapter 3 – Reaching Prospects with Advertising Media

How to use advertising effectively to reach to prospects and have a good ROI.

  • ●  The ROI Game
    • ○  Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted, the trouble is I don’t knowwhich half
    • ○  What get’s measured, get managed – If you are not measuring your advertisingROI then it will never get managed and improved or fixed
    • ○  Rather than getting your name out there, you will far much better byconcentrating on getting the name of your prospects in here
  • ●  Understand your Customer Acquisition Cost
  • ●  The Frontend and Backend and Life time Value of your Customer

○ They money we make upfront on the campaign is known as the frontend. The money we make on subsequent purchases is known as the backend. Together these figures creates lifetime value of customer

  • ●  Is Social Media a Cure-All?
    • ○  Use Social Media responsibly and wisely, then only they can give you benefits
    • ○  On Social Media as well, Define your Market, Message and Media (which issocial media)
    • ○  Consider social media as Social Gathering – You can not be Pushy
    • ○  Your Profiles and not your assets, it’s Facebook/LinkedIn’s assets, you can bedeleted anytime
    • ○  Spending too much time on building those profiles can be dangerous as theycan change their policies anytime or they can delete you anytime
    • ○  Use your Profile to direct traffic/customers to your own assets like Website,Blog, Mailing List etc.
    • ○  Having 1000 Emails on your Email List is better than having 10,000 Followers
  • ●  Email Marketing
    ○ Having Database of prospects emails is the greatest asset you have ○ Dos and Don’ts

    • Don’t Spam
    • Be Human
    • Use a commercial email marketing system
    • Email Regularly
    • Give them Value – Do not send just sales emails
    • Automate○ Three Challenges
    • Getting your email Delivered
    • Getting your email Opened
    • Getting your email Read
  • ●  Snail Mail

■ Email doesn’t replace postal mail, it complements it

  • ●  Have Unlimited Marketing budget for the marketing which is working
  • ●  The Most Dangerous Number
  • ○  One is most dangerous number
  • ○  A single point of Failure
    • One Big Customer
    • One Supplier
    • One Social Media Channel
    • One Source of Leads and Customers
  • ○  Have at least five different source of new leads and customers which are paid mediaPhase 2 – The During PhaseIn During Phase, you’re dealing with leads. Leads are the people who know you and have shown interest in your offer. In this phase, you capture them in your database and nurture them with regular value-binding information and convert them into paying customers.Chapter 4 – Capturing Leads

    Lead Capturing is essential to build a database of your interested customers for future followup to nurture them.

  • ●  Hunting vs Farming
  • ●  Do not try to sell directly from your ad, the purpose of ad is to show them interest inyour product and collect the information of your customer
  • ●  Build an great marketing infrastructure to keep your pipeline full
  • ●  Use proper CRM System

Chapter 5 – Nurturing Leads

Nurturing Leads is the process of talking with a people who are interested in your products and get them do a business with you.

  • ●  World’s greatest sales man – Relations are most important even when business is not coming – Joe Girarad
  • ●  Marketing like a Farmer
    • ○  50% give up after first contact, 65% after two followups and 79,8% after threefollowups
    • ○  Imagine if farmer planted seeds and then refused to water them more thanonce or twice.
    • ○  In marketing, Money is in the followup
  • ●  Build your marketing infrastructure
    • ○  Your job is to market to them until they buy or die
    • ○  Instead of being a pest, I advocate becoming a welcome guest. Sendcontinuous stream of value until they are ready to buy
  • ●  Lumpy Mail and the Shock and Awe Package

○ Send them something physical that stands different from normal postal mail cards

● Make it Up, Make it Real and Make it Recur

  • ○  Business is a team sport, one in which you’re never going to win on your own
  • ○  The Entrepreneur – Make it Up
  • ○  The Specialist – Make it Real
  • ○  The Manager – Make it Recur
  • ○  Much of the things can be automated and what can’t be automated should bedelegated
  • ○  Money is renewable resource – you can always get more money but you cannever get more time
  • ○  If someone else can do it 80% as good as you can then you should delegate it

Chapter 6 – Sales Conversion

Sales conversion is all about creating enough trust and demonstrating enough value to motivate interested lead to become a paying customer.

  • ●  Every dog bites. Your prospects are already bitten by lot of dogs
  • ●  There is no money in your product or service

○ The real profit comes from the way you market yourself

  • ●  Transitioning from Pest to Welcome Guest
    • ○  From old school – Sell…Sell…Sell. Close…Close…Close to
    • ○  Educate…Educate…Educate.
    • ○  With Education,
      • Build Trust
      • Build Relationships
      • Position yourself as an Expert
      • Make sales process easier for both seller and buyer
    • ○  Entrepreneur is someone who solves people’s problems at profit
  • ●  Pricing Strategy
    • ○  Number of Options – Less are better
    • ○  Reverse the Risk with Unlimited
    • ○  Resist the Urge to Discount
    • ○  The Ultra-High-Ticket Item
    • ○  Invite them to Try before you Buy
  • ●  Close down your Sales Prevention Department

○ Sales is everyone’s Job

Phase 3 – The After Phase

In this phase, you turn your customers into raving fans of your product by world-class experience. Find out ways to do more business with them and increase their lifetime value.

Chapter 7 – Delivering a World-Class Experience

By Delivering a world-class experience, you make your customers raving fans who buy from you repeatedly. For that you need systems and make smart use of technology.

  • ●  Sell them what they Want but Give them what they Need
  • ●  Use Technology to reduce Friction

○ The purpose of any new technology in your business is to eliminate friction ● Become a voice of Value to your Tribe

○ Entrepreneurs are content creators while wantrepreneurs are content consumers

  • ●  Tell your Audience about all the efforts that goes into delivering your product or service
    • ○  Trainings you give to your staff
    • ○  Quality Testing you do
  • ●  Products Makes you Money, Systems Make you a Fortune
    • ○  Marketing systems
    • ○  Sales System
    • ○  Fulfilment System
    • ○  Administration System
    • ○  Customers don’t find out how good your products and services are until theyhave bought from you
    • ○  Are you in the Business or You ARE the business? Without you there is nobusiness. Come out of that trap. That business can not be sold
  • ●  The Ability to fire yourself form the business by Systems
    • ○  Lot of business owners do not have time to work on the business because they are too busy in the business
    • ○  Our goal by building system is to eliminate the biggest bottleneck from your business – YOU
  • ●  Your Ultimate Customer
    • ○  You only have to solve two problem when going to the moon. First how to getthere and second, how to get back. Do not leave until you have solved boththe problems
    • ○  The most important thing that purchaser look is, whether you HAVE businessor you ARE the business

Chapter 8 – Increasing Customer Lifetime Value

Increasing Customer Lifetime Value is where the money is. You need strategies and tactics to let customers do more business with you.

  • ●  Raising Prices
  • ●  Upselling
  • ●  Ascension
  • ●  Frequency
  • ●  Reactivation
  • ●  Numbers tell us the story
    • ○  Leads
    • ○  Conversion Rate
    • ○  Average transaction value
    • ○  Break-even point
    • ○  How to get return of 431% be improving numbers by 10%
  • ●  Polluted Revenue and the Unequal Dollar
    • ○  4 Types of Customers
    • ○  The Tribe – Your raving fans
    • ○  The Churners – Who can’t afford you in either time or money
    • ○  The Vampires – You can’t afford them
    • ○  The Snow Leopard – Biggest customers but very rate which do not fit for greatgrowth strategy
  • ●  Fire Problem CustomersChapter 9 – Orchestrating And Stimulating Referrals

● Don’t Rely on a free lunch
○ Word of mouth is the business kind of fee lunch. It’s nice when it comes your

way, but do you really want to rely on it to feed yourself and family?

  • ●  Ask and you Shall Receive
    • ○  Ask with specific problem solving statement rather than somebody
    • ○  Offer some value to future referrals
  • ●  Who has your clients before you?
    • ○  Check how you can get free leads
    • ○  Sell the leads
    • ○  Exchange the leads
    • ○  Resell complementary products and services
    • ○  Become an affiliate referral partner
  • ●  Building Brand

○ Brand is the personality

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