Dear IT Professional,
Let’s read the book and get some more knowledge.
Book for June 2022 are
1. Sell like crazy: How to get as many clients, customers, and sales as you can possibly handle by Sabri Suby
Reviewer: Romit Gabani
2. You’re not listening: What you’re missing and why it matters by kate murphy
Reviewer: Nikunj Balar
Moderator: Alpesh Vaghasiya
Date & Time: 25th June 2022 Saturday at 04:00 PM
Advance Registration: https://visitorz.io/visit/VZ00013632/EV
Venue: Artoon Solutions Pvt. Ltd
Trinity Business Park, 4th Floor-405, Green city road, Adajan gam, Adajan Surat-3945009, Gj, IND